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Employability Status Check Search

This search will return consolidated results from HHS' Nurse Aide Registry, Medication Aide Registry and Employee Misconduct Registry. Results will include subject's status on the individual registries and determination if this status makes the subject unemployable in a regulated facility/agency. Results will not include information regarding criminal convictions. .

A person is unemployable in a HHS-regulated facility or agency if he or she:

  1. is listed on the Employee Misconduct Registry, or
  2. is revoked on the Nurse Aide Registry, or
  3. has a criminal conviction that is listed as an automatic bar to employment in Health and Safety Code .

Search tips: For best results use Social Security number (SSN) or at least three letters of the last name.

- OR -
You may query by one or multiple social security numbers.

- OR -
You may upload a file from your computer to query by names in bulk format.
Upload Bulk File with Names
Use the browse button to search for the file on your computer that you wish to upload for processing.
Right click and select save link as: Download Name template File. The file type must remain a .txt (text) file type and last name (LN) must be followed by a comma, no space, then the first name (FN), no space, then the middle initial (MI), no space, then a semicolon. The next record would begin immediately after the semicolon, no spaces. For example: LN,FN,MI;LN,FN,MI;LN,FN,MI; If any field is missing, leave it blank, but do not leave out the comma or semicolon. For example, if the first person's middle initial is missing: LN,FN,;LN,FN,MI;LN,FN,MI; If the second person's first name is missing: LN,FN,MI;LN,,MI;LN,FN,MI; If the third person's last name is missing: LN,FN,MI;LN,FN,MI;,FN,MI;
- OR -
You may upload a file from your computer to query by social security numbers in bulk format.
Upload Bulk File with Social Security Numbers
Use the browse button to search for the file on your computer that you wish to upload for processing.
Right click and select save link as: Download SSN template File. The File should be a text file. All SSN's should be without dashes and separated by a comma. (without spaces) For example: 333333333,444444444,555555555

Database Updated: Sat Dec 07 06:09:09 AM CST 2024
Page Updated: Wed Jul 17 12:40:00 PM CDT 2024
Build Version: 1.5.10